Sunday, April 24, 2011


“On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.””

John 7: 37 – 38 (New King James version)

When I read this verse this is the image that just pops into my head… An overflow out of us ! Just imagine a river flowing out of you, the source of which is Jesus… His Spirit just overflowing … Its just flowing everywhere around you and people who come across you are blessed. And the more we drink of the source , the more we spend time in His presence the greater the flow….

Wow ! Isn’t that amazing ! That’s the life we are called to live ! One of an overflow of His Spirit ! And all we need to do is come to Him !

When we walk with such an overflow by His grace its amazing to see how God changes the lives of the people around us. Most of you know and have prayed for my mom’s health. Its nearly a year since she was first diagnosed of Cancer . And today by God’s grace she stands cancer free. She had lost her hair because of the chemotherapy . But you should see her now

As I was on my way to the office this morning , as always I call up my mom and this is what she shared with me. When she first looked at herself in the mirror post the chemo (her hair was totally gone and her face was all bloated from the heavy medications) she said her heart broke for a moment . She even got a little scared of herself when she looked into a mirror. Such a drastic change in an instant. That feeling was however just for a second. And my mom just committed everything to God and knew that He is greater than anything and everything. And she was back to her usual cheerful self.

Well its been a year now and yesterday a lady goes up to my mom and says ‘What’s the secret for your hair? Its so thick and nice?’ my mom replied ‘Ask Him ! Its all Him !!’ :-) And I have heard several people ask my mom about her hair over the past couple of months and my Mom shares her testimony and the word of God . Isn’t our God o so awesome ! Amazing isn’t it ? Hair as a testimony !! Oh God will use everything of us when there is an overflow … and there is an overflow when we let Him and surrender to Him and seek Him with all that we are.

Its just hair ! Seems so silly to think of it . But when even that is committed into His hands , He can use that also for His glory ! I wonder what the boy with five loaves and two fish thought. I wonder if he felt silly when what he had seemed insignificant in the midst of five thousand men plus who knows how many women and children ! But when it went into His hands wow ! Overflow to the point of twelve baskets full to be carried ! Any mathematicians in the loop who would like to do this calculation ? :-)

And this is what the Lord has put on my heart to share this morning … When we seek Him with all that we are , when we live a life of obedience to Him and allow Him to take full control … Oh there is such an overflow !! When people even walk past us they will feel convicted of sins , when we pray there will be healing and deliverance…
Wondering if this is Biblical ? We read in Acts 5: 15 of people wanting just for the shadow of Peter to fall on them to be healed . Was there anything special about Peter by himself ? No ! But what made the difference ? The overflow ! He walked a life of total surrender to Him and the river just flowed and flowed and flowed ….

Acts 19: 12 says even the handkerchiefs that had touched Paul were carried to the sick and they were healed and for some evil spirits left them.

Oh may we walk a life of overflow from this moment forth. Do not limit what God can do. Do not look at your own self and think ‘I am useless’ because you know what ? By our own selves yes we are useless !! Our righteousness itself is that of filthy rags ! Yes we cannot do anything ! And we are not called to do anything on our own ! We are called to surrender to Him and have Him flow through us. Have Him direct us , Have Him lead the way , Have Him make the crooked ways straight .. it is He who heals the broken hearted , it is He who sets the captives free…. Its is HE !! All we need to do is surrender and obey !

God Bless